My son with his three year old wisdom has taken to calling me Boss. Mom, Mommy, Momma...nope Boss. Brice doesn't say a lot and he doesn't call his grandparents by anything special yet. He does call Brian "Daddy" and his brother "Rogan". Of course, the dogs are "Maggie" and "Fisher". I have only been referred to as "Momma" when he was in the hospital after his seizure and one time when he was sick. Other than that, he hasn't really referred to me as anything until recently when he settled on "Boss". He has heard his dad come home every night and greet me with, "Hey Boss, how was your day?" I guess he figured that must be my name.
He was eating his lunch today while saying, "Hey Boss, yum" and "Hey Boss, drink". I guess some mother's hearts would break when referred to as Boss by their three year old instead of something more endearing like Mommy. Nah, not me, I wouldn't expect much else coming from my Brice. Sounds about right to me. So, now I'm Boss.