
Playing Outside

Unfortunately, Brian had to work all day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. We did however manage to squeeze in some outdoor fun when he got home Sunday afternoon. We took the kids to our neighborhood playground and fed the ducks at the pond. You'll probably notice a hot dog bun in Brice's pocket while he's playing on the playground. He refuses to feed the bread to the ducks, he prefers to eat it. We went to the playground first and he was eating the bun on the way there and didn't want to take a chance the ducks would end up with his bread so he put it in his pocket for safekeeping while he played.


Mrs Garrett said...

That is just too funny about the hot dog bun!! I bet he will grow up to be very frugel - I love love the picture of you and Rogan in the swing!!

shelley said...

That is so funny that he put it in his pocket!!