
9 Months

Rogan is 9 months old today. We went to the doctor this afternoon for his check up. He's a healthy 9 month old baby boy. He weighs 20 lbs 1.5 oz and is 29 3/8 inches long. He is in the 45th percentile for his weight but the 85th for his height. He's eating well and we were told to continue with soft solid foods and to work towards removing formula from his diet. He is pulling up to his knees and has pulled up to a standing position a few times. He crawls all over the place and looks for something to get into. He is also sleeping through the night, woo hoo! We made it through this winter with no illnesses and he has two teeth which are working their way through his bottom gums. He hasn't been too fussy about teething. He's growing so fast, it seems like I am cleaning out his dresser drawers every other week and donating clothes he has out grown. It seems like he out grew the baby stage much more quickly than Brice. His first year has gone by much faster it seems.

1 comment:

Mrs Garrett said...

I felt the same way with Beclynn - but she does seem to be wearing smaller sizes longer than Maelynn did - but Maelynn was a little chunk so that may have something to do with it. They just grow up way to fast!! But Beclynn did get sick a lot more - hopefully that will turn around as she does get older.