1. Neuens Mitchell and Freese opened their doors. Brian opened his law firm and we are thankful everyday for that decision.
2. Brice started school. He officially became a preschooler. He continues to enjoy school and looks forward to going. He is making a lot of progress and we are very proud of him.
3. We decided to expand our family through adoption one more time. We are still waiting for our family to be blessed.
4. We experienced a failed adoption. Everything happens for a reason, even reasons we may never understand. We continue to hope and pray the little girl that was not meant to be ours is being raised in a loving home.
5. Rogan turned two. Two years old is officially a toddler, he is no longer the baby. Our boys are growing up fast.
6. The Griswolds hit the road. We had a few short vacations or long weekends and a major road trip through Colorado. We all survived!
7. We renovated our home. After living here for 8 years we have made a few updates. It was a challenge but we are happy we did it. We plan on updating our kitchen and bathroom next.
8. December 18th, Brian and I celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. We made it another year and looking forward to many more.
9. I continued to blog about adoption. My followers grew and I added a Facebook page for my blog. I continue to try to get the word out and plan to do so in 2011 too!
Enjoy the holidays and I'll see you next year! I'm going to take the next couple of weeks off from blogging and just enjoy what is left of 2010.

What a great post! Have a very merry Christmas! Our 6th anniversary is the 18th too!
Thanks! Happy Anniversary to you!
What good looking kids, mama! Thank you for remembering the baby girl in your prayers. It must be difficult to move past a failed adoption. I 100% believe that adoptions take their own sweet time (I'm a birthmom) but it will happen and when your child and the universe is ready to enter your life :)
Love this lady! And hoping that the next year brings you baby number 3!
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