
What Do You Do All Day?

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what I do all day as a stay at home mom, we would be wealthy and my husband would not work either.  True story.

I stay home with our kids.  Occupation homemaker.  Yep, full time mom.  1950's housewife. SAHM.  Whatever you want to call it that is my job.  I am a full time mom and wife.  As hard as it may be for some to believe it is actually work and it is exhausting but I love it and I have a pretty great time doing it.

No, I do not sit at home eating bon bons or watching soaps.  I do not go shopping everyday (unless you count Wal-Mart, Target, or the grocery store) and I do not spend hours at the gym (obviously from the size of my rear end).

For all those concerning themselves with what actually goes down around here, this is what a typical day looks like for me...

6:30 a.m. Wake up and grab the first shower so I can get everyone else dressed and ready.
6:45 a.m. Wake the kids up and get them all dressed..
7:00-8:20 a.m.  Feed the kids (If Brian has not left early for work he helps me get the kids dressed and makes breakfast or school lunch/snack).  Make school lunch and snack.  Clean up kitchen, pick up the slew of toys spread throughout our house.  Change Avenn's diaper and get her fed. Finishing getting myself dressed.  Sign homework forms and go through school folders.  Review math or vocabulary words with Brice if it's a test day.  Pack up backpacks.  Get the kids out the door!  School drop off.
8:20-10:00 a.m.  Run any errands or go to the grocery store.  Although it may be unbelievable I always have an errand.  It seems there is always something that has to be bought, paid for, or taken care of.
10:00 a.m. Get Avenn down for a nap.  Clean up from morning rush.  Start laundry and if possible get dinner ready to be stuck in the oven tonight or start the crock pot.
11:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.  Pick Rogan up from PreK.  Feed the two kids lunch, help Rogan with homework and try to get him to take a nap.  More laundry and anything else that needs to be done around the house.  Feed kids snack.  Feed myself lunch.  Finish up any other errands left to do.  I tend to busy myself with just being a mom to my kids during this time.  Kids always need attention and sometimes I just play with them because that's what they need.
3:00 p.m. Pick up Brice from school.  I have to wait in his school pick up line for 30-45 min each day.  It's my "quiet time" during the day.  The little kids are usually watching a movie or playing in the backseat and I try to read a magazine, book, or news on my phone.  I also catch up on Facebook and often talk to my mom on the phone while waiting.
4:00-6:00 p.m. Brice is always hungry after school so I get him fed.  Head to evening activities either basketball, riding, reading tutor, etc.
6:00-9:00 p.m.  Homework, cook dinner, feed the family, bath time, more laundry, let the kids play before heading to bed.  Clean up from dinner.  Finally get to sit down and spend some time with my husband and go over whatever has happened that day and is happening the next day or the rest of the week.
9:00 p.m. Collapse from exhaustion.  Get ready to do it all again tomorrow!

That's pretty much my day in a nutshell.  Add in there from time to time doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, car service, sick days, school parties and whatever else comes up. Something always comes up.

I am never bored and I often feel like I live in my car.  So when you ask me what do you do all day the answer is I run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I would not change a thing about my life.  Crazy is what I do best.

1 comment:

S.I.F. said...

Sounds like a pretty fantastic day to me! :)