
New Playground

Our neighborhood built a new playground around the corner behind our house. It's huge and I'm not brave enough to take Brice there by myself. He's too daring and I cannot keep up with him and Rogan. Since Brian came home early the other night, we decided to take Brice up there and check it out.

No Fear Mitchell, also does this little move on the top which is about 8 feet off of the ground. He likes to lean out as far as he can and watch mommy's face turn pale.

Brian spent most of his time climbing up and down the playground to make sure Brice didn't jump off of the top. Brice also got Brian to ride the merry-go-around with him. I cut Brian's head off in one of the pictures because I was laughing so hard I couldn't hold the camera still. Brian trying to peddle the children's bike was fun to watch! I'm sure Brian will be excited to know he made the blog!

1 comment:

Mrs Garrett said...

Tell Brian he is a great Dad - I know in our house it is the only time I appreciate how my husband still acts like a child!!