
We're in Business!

Brian's store finally opened today. He, his partner, and their store manager have been working late nights the last couple of weeks to get the doors open. Today is their first day of business and I hope they do well. It has been a long road with licensing, build out and other unexpected delays. I know that Brian feels like a ton of bricks has been lifted from his shoulders. He's realized his dream of owning a business, now let's hope there are a lot of wine lovers and alcohol consumers living nearby who will become regular customers!


shelley said...

Congrats! I'm excited for you guys that is great!! Here's to all the drinkers - they keep me in business too!!

Sarah said...

Wish I was closer...I sure could use a drink!!!=)

jennie said...

Congrats you guys, if I weren't knocked up I would certainly by a drink at your store. Plus in this economy I am sure there are a lot of people investing in a stiff drink.