Rogan was moved into a different part of the NICU today. This takes us one step closer to bringing him home. It was really just across a small hallway but a major achievement for a little fellow. He is still eating well and maintaining his temperature, etc. If he continues, he will probably be home sooner than expected. We are hopeful for this weekend sometime.
Brice was able to go up to the NICU to visit him today. He ssshhh'd Brian and told him to whisper near the baby. He also reached into the bassinet and patted his little brother on the back. Very sweet. My parents were able to go up and hold him today too. Brian's parents will be here on Saturday. After he is released from the hospital we will have to stay in Texas for 7-10 days while the paperwork goes through the court system. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming, we appreciate everyone's support.
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