

The weather is beautiful here today so the kids and I got up and around this morning and headed to the zoo. When we were walking up to the entrance gate I noticed we had a flat tire on our jog stroller. I had aired up the tires before we left, so apparently it has a puncture. Luckily, the zoo rents wagons. The wagon ended up working out perfectly for us. Brice jumped in and out of it looking at the animals, and Rogan was able to lean against the back or lay down and rest. Brice even wanted to pull his brother around. He did a great job, except he only wanted to pull or help me pull on the flat areas. On a hill, he would jump in the wagon too and watch mommy strain while pulling 60 lbs of weight in the wagon up the hill. He's so smart. We had a great time and I was able to get a few pictures. Enjoy!


Children's Museum

I took the boys to our new Kaleidoscope Children's Museum in Tulsa today. The museum just opened in August. It's not huge, but there are several things to do and it's perfect for kids Brice's age. We had the place to ourselves. I hope that it catches on or I'm afraid it won't last. There is a huge indoor playground, which Brice loved.
Brice tried to climb on the outside of the two story playground, but this is as far as he made it. He thinks safety rules are completely unnecessary and absolutely do not apply to him.
Brice playing at the magnet table.
Climbing the rock wall.
Brice's favorite room where all the dinosaurs were.
Rogan and I watching Brice play dinosaurs. We were getting a little bored so we decided to take a picture of ourselves. I think Rogan might have been afraid the dinosaurs were going to get his brother.
Brice ringing up my lunch in the cafe. He made me a hot dog with a white onion on the side and donuts for dessert.
The blue blur is Brice running through the black light room.
Rogan could have cared less what his brother was up to. He just wanted to make sure he had his lunch.


Bob the Builder

We took Brice and Rogan to Bob the Builder Live last night. Brice had a great time and Rogan actually watched it a little bit too. We were surprised that both of the kids made it through the entire show and were very good. It was a big night out for the kids.



Anyone who has ever been around Brice knows he goes full blast until he literally collapses. He does everything at full speed and has more energy than you can imagine. We've always said Brice walked for about a week, as soon as he figured out he didn't have to walk instead he could run, he has never slowed down. It is not an exaggeration. Yesterday, I took a picture of Brice after he has collapsed from a hard day of playing. It's hard work being three.


Brice and Fisher

Our dogs spend a majority of their days outdoors, unless it is harsh weather. Well, today I made an exception and let the dogs stay inside with us all day. Brice was in heaven! He loves Fisher our black lab. Maggie is lazy and she hangs out in our room or in her kennel. She just wants me to open the shades and let her lay in the sun all day.

Brice and Fisher love to play together. It's funny, because they act very similar. The get into everything they are not supposed to, jump on furniture when they know they shouldn't, roll all over the ground, etc. They usually play together outdoors when the weather is nice and Fisher follows Brice chasing him all around the yard. Today they hung out like best buddies indoors.

They watched cartoons together.

Rolled around all over the floor together.

They stopped for a quick nap.

Then they were off again.
Not surprising, they were both asleep by 7 o'clock. Fisher in "his room" a/k/a the laundry room and Brice in his. The boy just loves his dog.


Rogan Tries to Crawl!

Rogan is trying to crawl. He is able to get his legs underneath him, but it takes a lot of effort. He'll figure it out, if he can ever stop laughing long enough. He laughs all the time. It's hilarious. He's so cute.



I took the boys to the aquarium today. It is supposed to be 60 degrees but it is really windy so we decided to do something indoors. Brice loves the aquarium and I like it too because he takes a very good nap afterward. I forgot my camera, of course. I tried to take a few photos with my phone. Most of the photos are blurry because my phone does not have the shutter speed my camera has and Brice rarely stands still for more than a millisecond.
Also, Rogan is almost 7 months old. He is going to start crawling any day now. He pushes himself around the livingroom but has not figured out how to get his legs underneath him so that he can really begin to move. He is still trying to get his first tooth. You can see the little white tooth starting to show through his gum but it hasn't come through yet. His favorite activity is to watch his brother do anything. Brice is his constant entertainer. Even though Brice pays little attention to him, he is very interested in everything Brice does. Someday Brice will realize he has a captive audience and his showing off will never stop.