
Brice and Fisher

Our dogs spend a majority of their days outdoors, unless it is harsh weather. Well, today I made an exception and let the dogs stay inside with us all day. Brice was in heaven! He loves Fisher our black lab. Maggie is lazy and she hangs out in our room or in her kennel. She just wants me to open the shades and let her lay in the sun all day.

Brice and Fisher love to play together. It's funny, because they act very similar. The get into everything they are not supposed to, jump on furniture when they know they shouldn't, roll all over the ground, etc. They usually play together outdoors when the weather is nice and Fisher follows Brice chasing him all around the yard. Today they hung out like best buddies indoors.

They watched cartoons together.

Rolled around all over the floor together.

They stopped for a quick nap.

Then they were off again.
Not surprising, they were both asleep by 7 o'clock. Fisher in "his room" a/k/a the laundry room and Brice in his. The boy just loves his dog.


Mrs Garrett said...

That is just awesome!! I love love that last picture - you need to put that up some where!! I also like the picture of Rogan looking at them like they are crazy!!

Sarah said...

I loved this post. I wish the weather was better here so that we could let a dog be outside in the summer but it is just way too hot and I really don't want a big dog in the house. But...a boy needs a dog!=)
My friend Jana has an only child who is 6 and a big chocolate lab..they are best friends as well. The dog even plays on the swingset by climbing up to the tree house and going down the slide!!!

shelley said...

Oh my... how sweet. I love those pictures especially them taking a nap together. I want to get a dog for the kids but the one I picked was an awful experience. We will have to try again.

jennie said...

you can send Fischer over here to play, I need to wear the kids out and Maddy just hides.