

I took the boys to the aquarium today. It is supposed to be 60 degrees but it is really windy so we decided to do something indoors. Brice loves the aquarium and I like it too because he takes a very good nap afterward. I forgot my camera, of course. I tried to take a few photos with my phone. Most of the photos are blurry because my phone does not have the shutter speed my camera has and Brice rarely stands still for more than a millisecond.
Also, Rogan is almost 7 months old. He is going to start crawling any day now. He pushes himself around the livingroom but has not figured out how to get his legs underneath him so that he can really begin to move. He is still trying to get his first tooth. You can see the little white tooth starting to show through his gum but it hasn't come through yet. His favorite activity is to watch his brother do anything. Brice is his constant entertainer. Even though Brice pays little attention to him, he is very interested in everything Brice does. Someday Brice will realize he has a captive audience and his showing off will never stop.

1 comment:

Mrs Garrett said...

I can't believe how big Rogan is getting I swear he was just born a couple of weeks ago. It is crazy how the first year flies by when it is not your own child!! :)