
Welcome Back Sunshine

We put up with rain for a few weeks and now we are reaping the rewards. It has been beautiful here the last few days and more of the same is expected for the rest of the week. The temperature is a perfect 75 degrees, the sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky. The boys and I have spent the last two days outdoors. We have eaten lunch and dinner on the patio and we've been soaking up our Vitamin D. I found out last week while at the park that Rogan is allergic to sunscreen but we found an organic brand California Baby that seems to be working and causing no rashes. Here are a few pictures of all the fun we've been having!
Rogan playing peekaboo in the porta cribBrice trying to convince me that naps can be taken outside while swinging and there is no need to go indoors.

1 comment:

Mrs Garrett said...

to funny - Maelynn is always trying to convince me that lay down time can be anywhere but where I suggest it!