
Birth Mother's Day

Birth Mother's Day is the celebrated the Saturday before Mother's Day.  This year Birth Mother's Day is May 8th, less than a week and a half away.

I was not actually aware of Birth Mother's Day until last year when I did this post.  We have always sent mementos to the agency for Mother's Day every year.  We send photographs, an update letter, and the boys will draw, color a picture, or craft something.  We never want our birth mothers to feel they have been forgotten.  We send something at least three times a year, the boys' birthdays, Birth Mother's Day/Mother's Day and Christmas.   Our agency acts as the recipient and notifies the birth mothers they have received an update.  It is the birth mothers' choice to receive the items or have the agency store them until they are ready.

Our boys paint, color, craft or draw their gifts but I wanted to provide you with other birth mother gift ideas.

Top Ten Gift Ideas for a Birth Mother
Thoughtful Gifts for Birth Mothers
All About Celebrating Birth Mother's Day

I know some of my followers create keepsakes and adoption related items.  Some of these items would make excellent birth mother gifts.  If you are one of these people, send me a message and I'll post for additional gift ideas!  adoptivemomma2@yahoo.com


Von said...

Who set this up? Shouldn't we be celebrating on Mother's Day? I certainly will be honouring my Mother on Mother's Day and suspect many adults adoptees will do the same especially after reunion.It's an insult to relinquishing mothers to set them apart and appears to reserve Mother's Day for adopters.Shane on you all!

Adoptive Momma said...

It was started by birth mothers in Seattle. If you would have read my original post I provided a link to the history of the day. The birth mothers wanted their own day. When you "shane" and I assume you meant shame you should get the facts.

i'm no miss said...

Honestly, it's my first time to have heard of Birth Mother's Day. But I have nothing against Birth Mother's Day or Mother's Day..

For all it's worth for me, all mothers rule.