She's wonderful. Truly wonderful. She sleeps like a champion. She wakes once a night and has since her first night home.
I know. Newborns do not sleep that well. We swaddle her and lay her down. She is out like a light in minutes.
I have many friends with little ones right now and I feel guilty when they ask how she is sleeping. I do not want to answer. I am afraid of being punched right in the mouth.
I get it. The boys were not such good sleepers. They were not bad, but typical.
I took Brice to his speech therapy appointment Monday. A mother of two, her youngest 3 months old, sat beside me and asked about Avenn. She was a tired mommy. I understand. I remember the days of just longing to have a five minute shower. I did not want to tell her. I wanted to lie.
I answered truthfully. Her response to me (fire in her eyes) was, "well you look good for having a twelve day old baby". I had to tell her. I immediately replied, "she's adopted". I felt guilty. I told her it was easier for me because I had not birthed her. I rambled about being more energetic and able to do more. I spilled my guts.
In truth, we have three kids. Our home is a three ring circus at times. We are developing a system. Brian and I are doing a good job of picking up each other's slack. We just stepped off an emotional roller coaster. We did not know if she would ever be our baby. We are just so thankful. We are ending on a high note. So far she's the easiest one.
I do realize as I typed that last sentence that I will eat my words someday. Probably someday very soon.
I am however, going to enjoy every peaceful minute of it right now.
And let's not let her adorable brothers be forgotten because they are pretty great too...

Wonderful site. God bless u. Beautiful kids.
If anyone is interested in adopting or helping an agency in Colombia, my best friend works for them and it's breathtaking what they do and how many babies are saved. @lacasamn is the Twitter and on Facebook: La Casa de la Madre y el Niño. It's really amazing and trustworthy, I have friends my age who were adopted there 38 years ago!!
So happy for you Anna!! She is so beautiful. Little girls are a blast! This is your first girl and for me, my first boy. We both will learn so many new things Im sure!! Good luck to you!!
Mel Burlingame
(only way I could comment is by choosing anonymous) lol
Enjoy it and you don't owe anyone a "sorry"! ;) I am hoping after the first week of July we can come up and see ya guys!
All of your kids are so beautiful. MINE on the other hand, is just NOW getting to waking once a night. SO...I lived beside you, I'd punch you in the mouth.
LOL kidding, of course. Well...maybe. :)
I love your little apologies needed!! :)
Don't feel bad! Relish in it, enjoy it! Nathaniel is a good sleeper and a good eater too!
Since we only made it through the first two trimesters, I never really gained weight, so I had fun celebrating being back to my pre-pregnancy weight in a week! To the envy of friends with small ones... though I was sure to assure them mine was not a fun weight loss. Have fun with it! -But I understand you not wanting to make anyone feel bad as well.
By the way, your mom has always looked great, I'm sure you'd look amazing even if you had given birth to her!!!
This is the best news I have heard in a long time. You are truly blessed to have her and blessed she has fit into your sweet family so sweetly. Just enjoy her the way you are and know as you do, how wonderful life is for all of you. Love you tons...Lenice Bailey
Hey! I can comment again! I must be my other computer that's whacky!
I'm glad she's sleeping so well for you and hope it continues. You give others hope. May their next baby will be a good sleeper. :) TI coudl happen.
Do not feel guilty! Sarah is much the same way. She will sleep from about 8pm until 5am and then I feed her and right this second it's 7:26am and she is still asleep while the other two kids are up already! So, she is much the same as your baby girl. She was easier with the night wakings than the other two as she slept 7 hours the first night I brought her home & I did birth her so its not just adoption; that is your baby girl's personality or whatever. So far we are almost at 4 months and she still sleeps like a champ so I hope Avenn does the same for you.
No apologies needed. Adoption is a roller coaster, and there need to be a few perks to it all, right? :)
(Oh, and thanks for your email and congratulations. We are so excited to welcome baby #5! :)
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