I receive the following emails through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agencies or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
URGENT -- Name & Due Date: Stephanie – 17 month old boy - AA
Sex (If Known): BOY
Race: African American
Location: Kansas
Health: Healthy
Other Info: Needs to be a Kansas family
Total Estimated Fees: $ 19,000
Case Worker: l
IF YOU ARE PAPER READY AND INTERESTED, please contact Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adamadambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces)
You will also need to go to our webpage WWW.Adoptionadvertising.org download the adoptive parent intake form, fill it out and email it toadambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - NO SPACES) and Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces). Adam will call you after he gets the intake from the web page.
Kathy Finch kathrynmfinch@hotmail.com
"Adoption Advertising" Adoption Administrative Assistant

I know you're just reposting info but it drives me crazy when people say, "Afro Amercian." Afro is a hair style. African is a place of ancestry. My mom wrote that in a Christmas letter once. I wish she would send them to me for proofreading. ;)
I copy and pasted this post, but I will fix. Thanks for the catch and bringing it to my attention!
That's the wacky part. I see agencies writing that all the time. Didn't they have to go through the cross-cultural training like we did?
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