So, here's what we have been up to...
Brice will soon be turning six. His birthday falls over the holiday weekend so we tried to plan something for him a couple of weeks in advance. School began and we decided something small would be best. He chose to take two of his friends out for a day of fun to celebrate this weekend. Unfortunately his friend Ryan hurt himself right before we picked him up so he made a trip to urgent care instead of partying with us. Ryan is fine and the party went on with just Brice and his buddy Davin. We took them out for pizza, a movie, video games and back to our house to play. They had fun.
While Brian and I were out helping the boys celebrate my parents came into town to hold down the fort. Our kids are a handful!
Our puppy Maizey spent last week in Doggy Boot Camp so now she can sit on command for pictures.
And finally for a little excitement. My dear husband loves to grill and he has always stored his charcoal on the bottom shelf of the grill. I mean what the heck is the shelf for besides charcoal and lighter fluid? My dad, a retired firefighter/fire chief informed Brian he may want to find another storage location because a hot ember might set those items ablaze. Now you should know the saying you'll marry someone just like your father could not be further from the truth in my situation. My dad who I am quite certain invented the phrase "it's my way or the highway" does things his way and can be overly cautious, except in this instance. Brian on the other hand is the exact opposite. If it works go with it. No need to be too compulsive, except maybe in this instance.
After enjoying our dinner and hanging out for a while Brian leapt from the sofa and ran for the door. We all hustled outside to see Brian using the garden hose and my dad emerge from retirement to put the fire out. It seems my dad could have been right this time. Perhaps we shouldn't have stored the charcoal and lighter fluid there. One little ember really can start a fire and make your grill look like this...
Huh. Lesson learned.

Eeeek! Did the lighter fluid explode? Mike's dad was a fireman and so he's very cautios about that kind of stuff. I long ago gave up trying to keep scented candles burning.
No it did not thankfully. My mother does not burn candles because she doesn't want to listen to my dad. I have candles hanging on my wall and all over the place. I only rarely burn a few but it's fun to keep them around just to irritate him. Ya know that's my job!
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