Her latest skills include giggling nonstop during clothing changes.
She is a wee bit ticklish.
She is grasping hold of items and attempting to figure out how to hold her bottle.
Cooing and making all kinds of different sounds working on her communication skills.
Drooling like there is no tomorrow.
We will definitely be seeing some teeth soon.
Using her legs to twist and lift trying to turn over.
We completed our home study requirements and we are attempting to get a finalization hearing set as soon as possible. We are very excited to be able to finalize early. We were able to finalize a month early with Rogan and unfortunately Brice's finalization was not complete until a few days before his first birthday. Tulsa County Courts are not necessarily known for adoption friendliness and quick finalizations. We hope to be an exception to the rule. Rogan's finalization was done in San Antonio, it was quick and easy. Texas adoption courts are much friendlier.

1 comment:
Adorable I am so happy for you
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