I do however watch Parenthood. Religiously. I sorta really love that show. At the end of last season the show began a storyline about Julia and her husband struggling with infertility. This season began with them deciding to adopt and a potential birth mother entered their lives as the coffee girl at Julia's office. Of course, being television they had to add a little drama when Julia asked the potential birth mother if she would consider them as adoptive parents. Last night, the birth mother asked them to parent her child. I am excited to see where this story goes. Will the show use open adoption and the birth mother will become another member of the Braverman clan or will the birth mother character be phased out after placing her baby creating a closed adoption storyline? Will the birth mother's character appear in future episodes? Will they introduce the birth father and air his point of view?
One thing is for sure adoption talk is entering the mainstream. I remember watching the King of Queens finale in 2007 as the Heffernans faced infertility and adopted from China. I had been an adoptive mother for about a year and a half when the show concluded. I remember thinking I cannot believe someone is finally adding an adoption storyline.
I do not understand all the controversy surrounding the Glee episode(s) because as I said, I do not watch the show. I do know adoption is in the news and adoption story lines are airing. People are talking about adoption.
The more we as adoptive parent share information and our stories the more we educate and advocate. Brian and I have always said the more our kids hear the word "adoption" the more comfortable they will become with it. If we talk about adoption in our house like it's no big thing...it won't be.

Modern Family is another show which features an adoptive family. It is a same sex couple who adopted from China. This season they have decided to try to adopt a boy through newborn domestic adoption. I love this show and I hope the subject is treated realistically. I know they have to get ratings, but don't make it seem like they will get a baby overnight. I also watch Glee and I'm gonna reserve comment on that storyline until it develops a bit more.
I too am going to reserve my comments on Glee to see where they take it. As of now - I'm ready to never watch it again. So far all they've done is put fear and misinformation into the hands of the public. I'm not a die-hard Glee fan, and don't think I'll ever be now.
Over the weekend there was a shooting in the next town over. They kept saying so-and-so shot his adopted son (everyone was on drugs, it was bad...) but every time the news cast came on, they made the distinction of 'adopted son', like it was different then if he had shot his 'own' son... Last night, they wen't back to the story about a father shooting his son, no mention of the word 'adopted'... because that's what happened. He was his son.
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