
I Never Knew...

I never knew how many people are touched by adoption or looking to adopt until I began to talk about adoption.  I never could have imagined how many people I would meet personally and electronically because of adoption.  Since becoming an adoptive parent we have met, emailed, and spoken to a minimum of a hundred people about adoption.  We correspond with friends of friends, neighbors of  friends and family, extended family members, former classmates, doctors, teachers, and even random strangers about adoption.

Adoption has enriched our lives.  I randomly cross paths with someone interested in adoption on a regular basis.  I wish someone would have spread the adoption word when we began the process.  I would have appreciated a personal resource and sounding board.  I blog to get the word out, answer questions, ease concerns.  I openly discuss adoption.  Opening our mouths and advocating can help others.

Adoption used to be a taboo topic, that is no longer the case. 

If you have a question or a curiosity send me an email at adoptivemomma2@yahoo.com or submit your question through the Ask Me Anything box on the side bar.  That's what I'm here for!


Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is... said...

Love the new header!

misty w. said...

Girl...you are touching people. I don't even know how I found your blog, but when I did and read it a few times, I knew I wanted to follow you. You give great information.
I've learned this..willingness to be open and honest and share with others is SO helpful to others. Thank you for that!
I just recently began sharing our infertility story on my blog...I had kept it pretty quiet(you know how we do that...it's so hard to share sometimes), but now that I've opened up, I've realized how much it helps not only me...but others.
God is using you. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you both. Misty with infertility, few talk about it but so many have been affected. Only after I had my miscarriages did I learn others in my own family had suffered miscarriages.

Amy said...

I was just thinking about this very subject last night. I think it is a shame that there doesen't seem to be any one place for potential adoptive parents to learn their options. It's just a horrible maze. And even now when we are in the middle of the process, it still is confusing. Honestly, I have learned the most from people with wonderful blogs like yours. Thanks for all you do!

Kelsey Stewart, Author said...

It is funny how life works, huh? I had known a couple of adoptees when I was growing up, but once I chose adoption for my children it just astounded me how many of my friends were adopted! Then, when they started to ask me questions, some very serious inquires, I realized that they really wanted to know more about me and the mind of a birth mother. Oh, and don't even get me started on the women who are mothers just like me who thought they were the only ones...so many~!

Still to this day, I am so touched when somone I know says to me...you are so easy to talk to, thanks for just talking about it. How right you are that they just are around you, all around. I cherish all of the friendships and aquaintances that I have come across...yourself included!

Keep up the chatting, you seem to be helping so many understand better. And it is that understanding that will help other learn their own journey!