
Children's Museum

I took the boys to our new Kaleidoscope Children's Museum in Tulsa today. The museum just opened in August. It's not huge, but there are several things to do and it's perfect for kids Brice's age. We had the place to ourselves. I hope that it catches on or I'm afraid it won't last. There is a huge indoor playground, which Brice loved.
Brice tried to climb on the outside of the two story playground, but this is as far as he made it. He thinks safety rules are completely unnecessary and absolutely do not apply to him.
Brice playing at the magnet table.
Climbing the rock wall.
Brice's favorite room where all the dinosaurs were.
Rogan and I watching Brice play dinosaurs. We were getting a little bored so we decided to take a picture of ourselves. I think Rogan might have been afraid the dinosaurs were going to get his brother.
Brice ringing up my lunch in the cafe. He made me a hot dog with a white onion on the side and donuts for dessert.
The blue blur is Brice running through the black light room.
Rogan could have cared less what his brother was up to. He just wanted to make sure he had his lunch.


Sarah said...

Looks like a fun day!!!! We had this wonderful indoor play place when we lived in Phoenix but they went bankrupt....it broke all of our hearts!=( Just keep going and tell all your friends so that the place stays in business.

jennie said...

that place looks like fun and oddly not crowded. Rogan is so darn cute!!

shelley said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we had a place around here like that!!