
Adoption Talk

I never knew how many people were touched by adoption or looking to adopt until I began to talk about adoption.  Since becoming an adoptive parent we have met, emailed, and spoken to probably at least a hundred people about adoption.  We correspond with friends of friends, neighbors of a friend, extended family, our doctors, teachers, church members and many more about adoption.

Adoption has enriched our lives more than we could have ever imagined.  I randomly cross paths with someone interested in adoption.  The most recent person happens to be my son's speech pathologist.  I mentioned adoption and off the conversation went.  She and her husband hope to adopt and she has many (I believe she said 12) adoptees in her family.  Of course I provided her with my blog address and local adoption agency information.

I wish someone would have spread the word about adoption to me when we began the process. I would have appreciated a personal resource and sounding board.  I blog to get the word out. I openly discuss adoption, keeping the personal facts personal.

Discussing adoption = advocating adoption.

Adoption used to be a taboo topic, that is no longer the case.  Adoption talk can help others who may be beginning their journey or seeking information to do so.  You never know, you may lead a child to their forever family.

Remember to enter to win the children's book I'm Adopted, I'm Special to be given away on Friday!  Click here to win!!