
Children's Museum

Brice begins school next week so we decided to take a little road trip today to Seminole, OK to visit the children's museum.  We have a children's museum here in Tulsa, but it is lacking.  Brice had been to the museum in Seminole when he was about Rogan's age and I decided it would be nice to go again when he could do more and Rogan would be big enough now to enjoy most of the activities and displays.

The weather was rainy today so it was a perfect day for the road trip.  The boys had a great time.  They flew airplanes...
Demanded "order in the court!"  Notice Rogan the lil' bailiff in the background..
Played with trucks...
Worked on a race car (definitely their favorite)...
Drove a fire truck...
And dug for dinosaurs...
An excellent day.

1 comment:

shelley said...

Looks like so much fun!!