
Helpful Info

Rogan was ready for a larger car seat so we moved him to Brice's seat and bought Brice a new booster.  Well yesterday, I read this article and the seat Rogan was in was "Not Recommended".  Even though the car seat met all the safety requirements it was "Not Recommended" by those conducting the safety tests.  What's the point of having a car seat if it doesn't do it's job?

So today, Rogan and I set out to get him a new seat too.  I took the list with me and found a  "Best Bet" car seat that would fit him now and he could grow into.

When I arrived at Babies R Us I noticed they were having a trade in event.  Trade in your old car seat, high chair, bassinet, stroller, play yard, crib, travel system, or toddler bed and get 25% off a new one.  Excellent.  I had to remove the old seat and install the new one in the parking lot in the rain, but totally worth it.

I was a little embarrassed to turn in my car seat covered in crusty Cheerios and Lord knows what else but it was no dirtier than the others.  Car seats are gross, they just are.

I thought others in the same boat and ready to upgrade would find this information helpful.  Want to know more about your state's child safety laws...click here.

**AM2 did not receive anything in return for mentioning retail chains or brand names in this post.

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