It's just like COPS. Bad boys bad boys...
Now we wait to see how the insurance company assesses the damage and we go from there. I am hopeful it is more damaged than the photos show. Perhaps it will be totaled and we can just move on.
On a positive note, the SUV was rammed into two vehicles, pushing one 60 feet and held up nicely. I believe it should be considered a safe vehicle.

I think you'll be amazed at what insurance considers totalled. Crazy!!!
Praise God no one was hurt and you'll have a hasty resolution. Well, hastier than waiting thiry days for it to turn up.
My concern now would be for its ability to be restored to its previous safety standard given the wreck it was in if they don't total it.
Stick to your guns, mama!
It will be considered doubt! How exciting...well not if it was me. But it is nice to know that you have some closure on what happened to the vehicle! How about those carseats and new stroller? :)
Yeah, keep us updated and make sure your insurance pays for the new carseats and stuff or home owners. Were they still in the vehicle? Even if there's wasn't a child in them during the crash they need to be replaced and the seat belts that were holding them in place.
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