My mother came to help me with the kids while Brian went out of town for business. Of course, my mother likes to treat me like an complete invalid when I have knee problems. She means well but it sort of drives me nuts although I am sure she gets some enjoyment out of driving me nuts too.
She left this morning after only making sure I was okay. As you may know if you have been a long time reader of my blog Punxsutawney Phil has special meaning to our family. Every year on Groundhog Day my parents do their best to harass their only child.
As I have previously posted, as a small child I did not fully understand Groundhog Day so I developed my own idea. I imagined Groundhog Day to be a day when giant, ferocious, swine beasts came out of the woods to run wild. In my mind it was much too dangerous to step outdoors. Instead of putting my sweet, innocent mind at ease my parents ran with it. So, for the last 30+ years I have been tormented annually. Today was no different. The last few years I wake on Groundhog Day to check my email and find something like this...
The Groundhogs are coming!
The Groundhogs are coming!
Don't you just love tormenting your children?The Groundhogs are coming!
Happy Groundhog Day!
Mom & Dad
And here it is my email for Groundhog Day 2012...
HOLY CRAP!!! I almost forgot.

It’s Groundhog Day
Let’s have some fun and go scare Anna

Happy Groundhog Day!
And there you have it, some families have nice normal family traditions...then there is us. Have a great day everyone and be safe out there!
Its cute, nice post...
Adoption Services
Hahaha! That's hilarious... and I did not even realize today was groundhogs day. Did he see his shadow?
Hope you're back to feeling like yourself again lady.
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