
Manny's Apprentice

We took Brice to Target yesterday so he could get some more track for his new train set. We made the mistake of letting him walk down the toy aisle. We ended up coming home with a Handy Manny tool set and no additional track for the train set. As if, our kids didn't receive enough for Christmas, we had to get just one more thing! Brice now thinks he is Handy Manny. He goes around the house "fixing" everything. It is pretty funny. We had not seen these tool sets during our Christmas shopping, or he probably would have received it anyway. Here are a few pictures of Handy Brice at work and hanging out with his brother. You'll notice that every picture of Rogan includes a lot of drool and his hands in his mouth right now. We're still working on getting those first teeth.

1 comment:

jennie said...

We are big Handy Manny fans here too. Baby girl's always trying to "fick" things.