
Rogan is 6 months old!

We took Rogan to the doctor this morning for his 6 month check up. He is right on target in his development. He weighed 17.1 lbs and was 26 inches long. His weight is in the 50th percentile and his height the 40th. He has definitely caught up since he was only 5 lbs 9 oz when he was born. He is getting so big and rolling all over the place. He found his feet the week of Christmas. Watching him play with his feet is hilarious. He is pushing himself around on his belly on the floor. He'll be crawling and sitting up before we know it. We've been lucky the first 6 months, no colds, flu, or ear issues. He is happy and healthy. We cannot believe it has been 6 months already!

1 comment:

Mrs Garrett said...

What a blessing he is - and how lucky you are to have no sickness - both our girls were sick sick their entire first year. It makes it really rough.