
I Felt Sick

We took the boys to a small little water park right down the road this weekend.  While we were there, I noticed another young family with their two girls.  Later on in the afternoon, I ended up behind the father in the line for the concession stand.  I suddenly noticed his tattoos. Especially, the white power, white pride, swastika, and other white supremacist symbols and statements.

I felt sick.  This young man who was raising two lovely little girls hated people outside of his own race.  He would teach his daughters to hate too.  My son's may go to school with these girls someday.  My half hispanic sons.

I wanted to say something to him.  I wanted to say, why do you have hate in your heart? Look at my boys.  They and your little girls are so sweet and innocent.  How could you not like them just because they do not look like you?  I suddenly became defensive of my boys.

I didn't say anything.  Instead I have been thinking about him since yesterday.  I have let him bother me. I hope my sons never cross paths with such hateful people.  I hope they grow up to appreciate everyone and to love all skin tones.  I hope we teach them to have that love in their heart.