I used to sleep soundly and loved to sleep during a thunderstorm...then I became a mom.
I cannot sleep through storms anymore because I worry we will not hear the sirens and therefore will not reach the boys in time to get them to safety, as safe as we can be hunkered down in my closet.
I become a little obsessive during this time of year. I follow all the normal precautionary measures: change the batteries in the weather radio and flashlights, fix a "tornado box" filled with bottled water, batteries and first aid kit, but I go a little further. I get out our bicycle helmets.
I know, I'm an overprotective lunatic of a mother.
Here's my common sense approach to this lunacy. Most tornado deaths are caused by flying debris. Having the boys wear their bicycle helmets while we are taking shelter in my closet makes sense to me. Keeping their heads/brains covered, keeps them safer. At least I think so.
We have weathered many storms since living in Oklahoma. Luckily, **knock on wood** we have never had a touch down near our home.
About 5 years ago there was storm damage about 2 miles south of our home. Brice was an infant (too small to wear a bicycle helmet) and the storm hit during the day while Brian was at work. I clicked Brice into his infant carrier (again my thinking was if we get hit he was safer in his infant carrier/car seat) and we got in my closet. The sirens sounded, the lights flickered, and I laid over his carrier. I thought my time as a mommy was going to be short lived. Fortunately, our area was spared.
So, this time of year makes me a little antsy. We are ready though. Helmets in hand. Currently under a tornado watch until 10 p.m.

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