You Want to Help Joplin?
Many have emailed and messaged me asking how can they help? I received this message from an AM2 follower and wanted to pass it on...
From an AM2 Follower and resident of Joplin. How can you help? Read on....
On May 22, 2011 an EF5 tornado devastated my hometown of Joplin, Missouri.
When I say “my hometown” – Joplin is the place where I went to school from elementary through my Bachelor’s Degree. It is where I currently work and own a home.
When I say “devastated”, it is not an over statement. It was the deadliest recorded tornado in U.S. history. One-third of my hometown was leveled in just a few minutes. The tornado tore through residential and business areas and destroyed our main hospital. I drive down the streets and don’t know where I am because there are no street signs, no landmarks, and no recognizable houses – there are just piles of debris. The grief is nearly unbearable and I was one of the luck ones. We did not lose our house and our close friends and family are safe.
I am contacting you because I am asking for your help. Hundreds of families lost everything including many of our friends who lost their homes, their belongings, and their jobs.
I am asking each of you to make a donation. Big or small – whatever you can afford.
Here are some good organizations to consider:
Children’s Haven – emergency shelter for children
Independent Living Center – organization that helps people with disabilities
Joplin Humane Society – currently providing temporary shelter & vet services for displaced animals
Joplin Habitat for Humanity – rebuild houses
American Red Cross (Make sure you designate Joplin if you donate to ARC)
If you want to collect and send items rather than give a monetary donation, you can mail it to the above organizations or to me and I will get the items out. If you and your workplace or church would like to sponsor a specific family, I can get you the names and info for that too.
Thank you,
Kimberly Fisher
From an AM2 Follower and resident of Joplin. How can you help? Read on....
On May 22, 2011 an EF5 tornado devastated my hometown of Joplin, Missouri.
When I say “my hometown” – Joplin is the place where I went to school from elementary through my Bachelor’s Degree. It is where I currently work and own a home.
When I say “devastated”, it is not an over statement. It was the deadliest recorded tornado in U.S. history. One-third of my hometown was leveled in just a few minutes. The tornado tore through residential and business areas and destroyed our main hospital. I drive down the streets and don’t know where I am because there are no street signs, no landmarks, and no recognizable houses – there are just piles of debris. The grief is nearly unbearable and I was one of the luck ones. We did not lose our house and our close friends and family are safe.
I am contacting you because I am asking for your help. Hundreds of families lost everything including many of our friends who lost their homes, their belongings, and their jobs.
I am asking each of you to make a donation. Big or small – whatever you can afford.
Here are some good organizations to consider:
Children’s Haven – emergency shelter for children
Independent Living Center – organization that helps people with disabilities
Joplin Humane Society – currently providing temporary shelter & vet services for displaced animals
Joplin Habitat for Humanity – rebuild houses
American Red Cross (Make sure you designate Joplin if you donate to ARC)
If you want to collect and send items rather than give a monetary donation, you can mail it to the above organizations or to me and I will get the items out. If you and your workplace or church would like to sponsor a specific family, I can get you the names and info for that too.
Thank you,
Kimberly Fisher

We're Taking On Water!
I started a load of laundry yesterday evening then headed into the kitchen to start making dinner. I called the boys in from the backyard and told them it was time to eat. I spoke to Brian making sure he was on his way home and letting him know dinner was ready. Afterward, I walked around the counter and headed into the laundry room to start folding the clothes in the dryer. I looked up and saw a lake or maybe it was a river, I cannot remember.
Water was flowing out our front door. After a momentary pause to mumble a few words each only having 4 letters and probably shouldn't be repeated. I ran to the laundry room and turned off the washer. There was water everywhere. I immediately called Brian to say, Houston we have a problem. My next call was to the restoration company asking them to load up their fans and head our direction thankful they were still in the office on this long holiday weekend.
The water was seeping under the walls out into the garage, through our coat closet making it's way into our master bedroom. Again flowing under the walls into our master closets and water closet. This is not good. Not good at all.
The clean up company was here quickly. They walked in the door right after Brian and we began to survey the damage. They called for reinforcements and immediately started to tear up our beautiful new wood floors and new carpeting. Brian and I looked at each other and he said, "it could always be worse."
We have dehumidifiers running and at least twenty fans roaring. You cannot speak to the person next you with all the noise. It will take 3 days to dry it all out and after the holiday another crew will be in to start laying new floors and replacing carpet pads and baseboards.
We laid in bed laughing last night. Cracking up because we could not even fathom sleep with the hurricane force wind being blown around our home. You might as well laugh about it, what else can you do?
We may be going through an unplanned renovation but our friends and family members continue to sort through debris in Joplin. A little water is small potatoes.
Water was flowing out our front door. After a momentary pause to mumble a few words each only having 4 letters and probably shouldn't be repeated. I ran to the laundry room and turned off the washer. There was water everywhere. I immediately called Brian to say, Houston we have a problem. My next call was to the restoration company asking them to load up their fans and head our direction thankful they were still in the office on this long holiday weekend.
The water was seeping under the walls out into the garage, through our coat closet making it's way into our master bedroom. Again flowing under the walls into our master closets and water closet. This is not good. Not good at all.
The clean up company was here quickly. They walked in the door right after Brian and we began to survey the damage. They called for reinforcements and immediately started to tear up our beautiful new wood floors and new carpeting. Brian and I looked at each other and he said, "it could always be worse."
We have dehumidifiers running and at least twenty fans roaring. You cannot speak to the person next you with all the noise. It will take 3 days to dry it all out and after the holiday another crew will be in to start laying new floors and replacing carpet pads and baseboards.
We laid in bed laughing last night. Cracking up because we could not even fathom sleep with the hurricane force wind being blown around our home. You might as well laugh about it, what else can you do?
We may be going through an unplanned renovation but our friends and family members continue to sort through debris in Joplin. A little water is small potatoes.
Remnants of Lake Mitchell
Swamp land leading into our master.
Let the clean up begin.
What's left!

Rogan and I went to the grocery store to get stocked up for the long weekend of grilling out and hanging out. Rogan helped get himself ready. He decided he definitely should wear his Thomas the Train conductor hat and cowboy boots. I totally agreed. He looked so good we received a lot of attention in the grocery store. People were stopping in their tracks to compliment his fashion choices.
Love this kid, he is one of a kind...
Love this kid, he is one of a kind...

We received an email early yesterday morning that we have been rescheduled to meet with the birth family on June 2nd. A meeting time has not yet been nailed down although we are optimistic this meeting will take place.
I woke up yesterday morning dreaming that I was reading an email from our social worker regarding our adoption. I immediately picked up my phone to check my email and my first message was from her. Weird coincidence.
Looking forward to having more news to share.
I woke up yesterday morning dreaming that I was reading an email from our social worker regarding our adoption. I immediately picked up my phone to check my email and my first message was from her. Weird coincidence.
Looking forward to having more news to share.

Joplin, MO
We grew up in Neosho, MO which is a stone's throw from Joplin. Our hometown area was devastated by a tornado last night. Joplin is where we attended college and where we went for medical care, shopping, movies, restaurants and dates. Joplin had it all compared to Neosho. We have relatives and friends who lost everything but their lives. We are thankful for their safety and we pray for all those affected. Unfortunately, the area is being hit again today by storms. Please keep our hometown area in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunny Saturday
We decided it was too beautiful of a day to spend worrying about the apocalypse so we headed outdoors. Had the world actually come to an end, we would have left on a good note. We spent the day enjoying the sunshine, even though the forecast called for more rain it was beautiful out.
We started our day by heading to the Mayfest festival, then onto the farmer's market. After going to the market we took the boys to the park to play on the playground and throw rocks into the Arkansas river. Lastly we headed home and spent the rest of the day in the backyard working in the yard, grilling out and getting our little garden planted.
We started our day by heading to the Mayfest festival, then onto the farmer's market. After going to the market we took the boys to the park to play on the playground and throw rocks into the Arkansas river. Lastly we headed home and spent the rest of the day in the backyard working in the yard, grilling out and getting our little garden planted.

The Ducks Have Moved In!
It has rained a lot lately. Which sort of stinks because Mayfest started this week. Mayfest is a pretty big deal around here and most Tulsans look forward to the festival each year.
We have received so much rain in fact, the ducks have moved in. Seriously, we have ducks.
The other morning we woke to a mallard duck sitting on our welcome mat at the front door. This morning his mate was in the front yard eating her breakfast. We think they have set up their nesting area next door in the neighbor's front bushes.
I think it needs to stop raining now, although we are enjoying our new neighbors.
We have received so much rain in fact, the ducks have moved in. Seriously, we have ducks.
The other morning we woke to a mallard duck sitting on our welcome mat at the front door. This morning his mate was in the front yard eating her breakfast. We think they have set up their nesting area next door in the neighbor's front bushes.
I think it needs to stop raining now, although we are enjoying our new neighbors.

Family Needed
I receive the following emails through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agencies or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
NEEDING a Family --- Code: TAKEYSHA – July 2011
Name & Due Date: Takeysha – July 2011
Sex (If Known): BOY
Race: BM is Caucasian/AA – BF is AA
Location: Mid-South Region - AR, KS, MO, TX -
Health: She is in great health. She doesn't drink, smoke, or use any kind of drug.
Other Info: She wants a family with NO CHILDREN! She wants an open adoption. She is young and is not ready to start a family. BF will not be an issue.
Total Estimated Fees: $ $ 13,000 - $ 16,000 (depending on Legal)
Case Worker: l
We would like to get her matched by the end of the week.
We are working with several birth mothers and are looking for families to match them with. – If you are interested and paper ready Email Sarah <sarahjdalia @ gmail.com> or Adam <adambodily @ gmail.com> (No spaces)
You may also go to our webpage WWW.Adoptionadvertising.org, download the adoptive parent intake form, fill it out and email it to adambodily @ gmail.com (No spaces). (NO SPACES) Adam will call you after he gets the intake from the web page. It is important email Adam or Sarah because the link from our web site is not working at this time.
Kathy Finch kathrynmfinch@hotmail.com
"Adoption Advertising" Adoption Administrative Assistant

Avoid Scams!
MyAdoptionAdvisor.com provides a training course to avoid being scammed in adoption. If you are interested in learning how to avoid adoption scams visit their website here.

Our meeting with the birth family was scheduled to occur this morning in about an hour. We were informed last night that they asked our social worker to reschedule for next week. Of course we were a little bummed and to be honest a little annoyed. We had made arrangements for child care and Brian had rearranged his work schedule. It is however a common occurrence. With every adoption we have experienced, failed and successful, we have experienced rescheduling, missed appointments and cancelled phone calls.
At this time we are not reading too much into it. Our social worker said they still sounded committed to the adoption, but so did the family in August. Up and down that is the emotional roller coaster we ride as parents in waiting.
If you read my blog because you are beginning the process of adoption be prepared to be flexible. Scheduling is rarely firm and appointments are never set in stone. We have found this be true in all our experience. I try to always look at it from the point of view of the birth parents. Can you imagine meeting the family you have chosen to parent your child? Preparing for the meeting is nerve wracking for all of us involved. The birth family is sometimes shy, perhaps even embarrassed. They often feel ashamed to be in their situation. Meeting the adoptive parents makes their decision very real. They are forced to meet feelings and emotions head on. I believe it is safe to say, no one sets out to be a birth parent.
As the adoptive parents, all we can do is be patient and understanding while remaining optimistic and realistic about the process.
At this time we are not reading too much into it. Our social worker said they still sounded committed to the adoption, but so did the family in August. Up and down that is the emotional roller coaster we ride as parents in waiting.
If you read my blog because you are beginning the process of adoption be prepared to be flexible. Scheduling is rarely firm and appointments are never set in stone. We have found this be true in all our experience. I try to always look at it from the point of view of the birth parents. Can you imagine meeting the family you have chosen to parent your child? Preparing for the meeting is nerve wracking for all of us involved. The birth family is sometimes shy, perhaps even embarrassed. They often feel ashamed to be in their situation. Meeting the adoptive parents makes their decision very real. They are forced to meet feelings and emotions head on. I believe it is safe to say, no one sets out to be a birth parent.
As the adoptive parents, all we can do is be patient and understanding while remaining optimistic and realistic about the process.

The Park and Horses
We spent most of our day outside. Because it was beautiful out. We headed to the park...
Rogan is ever so cautious compared to his monkey of a brother...
You see the monkey in him right?
How about now?
Today was a big day for Brice, he had his first riding lesson. We decided he might enjoy riding and there is a nice stable nearby. He loved it. He told me on the way home, "it made me happy." Sounds like a good first day.
Meeting Twister for the first time and learning how to clean his coat. Brice had his work cut out for him. Twister had spent some of his day rolling around in the dirt.
Rogan is ever so cautious compared to his monkey of a brother...
You see the monkey in him right?
How about now?
Today was a big day for Brice, he had his first riding lesson. We decided he might enjoy riding and there is a nice stable nearby. He loved it. He told me on the way home, "it made me happy." Sounds like a good first day.
Meeting Twister for the first time and learning how to clean his coat. Brice had his work cut out for him. Twister had spent some of his day rolling around in the dirt.

Last Chance
We could not be more anxious and overjoyed to meet the birth family tomorrow.
We have done this many times before. Tomorrow will actually be the fourth time we have met a birth family. We met each of our sons' families and we met a family for a potential match between our boys which obviously did not result in an adoption.
We were heart broken last August when we were introduced to a beautiful baby girl and she was minutes from being part of our family and her birth family decided to parent. We know however she was not meant to be ours.
We will see if the baby to be born in approximately 40 days is meant to be part of our family. We would love to welcome her. We could not be happier to meet her biological parents tomorrow but feelings are definitely different this time.
This adoption will likely be our last go around. If this baby does not come home to us we believe we will step off this adoption roller coaster.
Our feelings are varied knowing we are at the end of the road either way.
Life takes the turns it should and we cannot control our adoption path. We can however say when we are done waiting and we are quite sure if this match does not end in an adoption we will most likely not wait for another.
We are thrilled at the possibility of becoming parents of a little girl. We are picking out names and perusing all the new must haves of the baby super stores. Our fingers and toes are crossed; prayers are being said.
What is meant to happen will and now we wait for our last chance.
We have done this many times before. Tomorrow will actually be the fourth time we have met a birth family. We met each of our sons' families and we met a family for a potential match between our boys which obviously did not result in an adoption.
We were heart broken last August when we were introduced to a beautiful baby girl and she was minutes from being part of our family and her birth family decided to parent. We know however she was not meant to be ours.
We will see if the baby to be born in approximately 40 days is meant to be part of our family. We would love to welcome her. We could not be happier to meet her biological parents tomorrow but feelings are definitely different this time.
This adoption will likely be our last go around. If this baby does not come home to us we believe we will step off this adoption roller coaster.
Our feelings are varied knowing we are at the end of the road either way.
Life takes the turns it should and we cannot control our adoption path. We can however say when we are done waiting and we are quite sure if this match does not end in an adoption we will most likely not wait for another.
We are thrilled at the possibility of becoming parents of a little girl. We are picking out names and perusing all the new must haves of the baby super stores. Our fingers and toes are crossed; prayers are being said.
What is meant to happen will and now we wait for our last chance.

We've Been Picked!
We have been selected as the adoptive parents of a baby girl due June 26th. Of course, as we have learned through two failed adoptions and a few years of adoption experience, we know nothing is ever certain until papers are signed and filed.
We are tentatively scheduled to meet with the birth parents on Tuesday. We will remain hopefully optimistic but also realistic for the next 44 days. So stay tuned...
We are tentatively scheduled to meet with the birth parents on Tuesday. We will remain hopefully optimistic but also realistic for the next 44 days. So stay tuned...

National Adoption Conference
Washington, D.C. area: Friday and Saturday July 8 & 9
2011 National Adoption Conference
2011 National Adoption Conference
RESOLVE and the National Council for Adoption are partnering to bring you the largest adoption conference of the year.
Spend 1 ½ days with the nation's top adoption professionals and have all your questions answered. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest research on various topics surrounding adoption, as well as resources available for the pre and post-adoption process. If you are considering adoption or are already in the adoption process, this conference is for you. Learn more here.

Waiting Children
I receive the following emails through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agencies or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
We are desperately seeking families for a 2 1/2 year old and 3 year old little girls in Eastern Europe. This country moves very quickly for special needs adoption. Both girls are cognitively doing very well! They are adorable and have a very bright future as part of a family. For more information please emailnina.thompson@chiadopt.org
We are currently seeking a family for a darling baby girl with down syndrome in India. She is 11 months old and has had wonderful care but needs her own family to thrive. Please email nina.thompson@chiadopt.org for more information!
Urgent, girl 13 aging out with nevus needs family with homestudy by June, up to $9450 aid.
Can you have a homestudy by June?This girl must be adopted before she turns 14 and can 't be adopted anymore. It is too scary to think of her being a older girl in Asia, self conscious of her nevus, alone without a family forever, with limited options & resources, & little chance of marriage as she matures.
Please read about CBY:
She wants to be a designer when she grows up. When asked what she wants most, she responded that she wants a big family! She is in 7th grade and has average grades. Her caregiver reports that when she was admitted to the orphanage, she was behind in school but has caught up and is now considered to be at the same intelligence as other children her age in the orphanage. She enjoys listening to music, playing with other kids and talking to friends. She prefers to have a few close friends. She likes to watch TV, and her favorite program is a show that describes how to solve family issues. She describes herself as easy going and open. When she is angry, she cries. Her favorite colors are yellow, blue and green. Her favorite people are two caregivers. Potato chips are her favorite food.
She prefers pants to dresses and seemed self-conscious about the large, non-raised bluish hairy nevus on her legs and lower trunk. Her caregiver says that she has not had tuberculosis and her lungs are fine.
She said she will miss the orphanage when she leaves. She has friends who were adopted by families in Norway, Italy, Canada and the US, and she keeps in touch with them sometimes on weekends. She said it makes her sad when her friends leave the orphanage.She spent as much time as she could with our staff, showing them around and being a delightful hostess.
There is no fee or obligation to see this child's whole file contact FamilyFinders@wacap.org or Ckids@wacap.org The Child ID number is JH6.CBY.1097.32072.01 and they are part of the Special Focus group. to see her photo go to www.wacap.org select waiting child and request and instant password.
1.Who can adopt: SINGLE women and couples may adopt & there is no fee to receive the complete file.
2.Financial Aid: For qualifying families, total adoption costs may be reduced up to $9,450 for this child (including reduced WACAP fees, WACAP Promise Child grants, orphanage donation reductions, waived application fees etc.)
3.Tax Credit: Please ask about the over $13,000 in adoption tax credit/refund and about private grants to apply for.
4.Exceptions:Couples can get exceptions if they do not meet the requirements to adopt from China.There is more leniency for requirements for this child.
5.Options:Couples please ask if you want to adopt 2 children at the same time or if you would like to reuse your dossier.
6.Contact: FamilyFinders@wacap.org or Ckids@wacap.org or call 1-800-732-1887 WACAP (www.wacap.org) is a non-profit adoption agency.

Questions You Should Ask
When interviewing an adoption agency, facilitator, or adoption attorney you should ask questions, a lot of questions. Meeting with your adoption facilitator can be overwhelming and you may forget to ask the questions you wanted. It is always very helpful to make a list. I wanted to help you with this and possibly assemble additional questions you may not have considered. Here are a few resources to assist you:
Adoptive Families: What to Ask Before Choosing An Adoption Agency
The Adoption Agency Checklist
Questions to Ask When You're Choosing An Adoption Agency
Adoption Facilitators
Choosing An Adoption Facilitator
Choosing An Adoption Attorney
Selecting An Adoption Agency or Attorney
My blog has gained several new followers in the recent weeks so I decided to post some of my most popular posts including information that would be helpful to those beginning their adoption journey. Thank you for reading AM2 and I hope you find my blog helpful. If I can ever answer any questions please email me at adoptivemomma2@yahoo.com or send me any requests for topics you would like researched and blogged about. Oftentimes, I have already gathered the information and I have resources to share.
Adoptive Families: What to Ask Before Choosing An Adoption Agency
The Adoption Agency Checklist
Questions to Ask When You're Choosing An Adoption Agency
Adoption Facilitators
Choosing An Adoption Facilitator
Choosing An Adoption Attorney
Selecting An Adoption Agency or Attorney
My blog has gained several new followers in the recent weeks so I decided to post some of my most popular posts including information that would be helpful to those beginning their adoption journey. Thank you for reading AM2 and I hope you find my blog helpful. If I can ever answer any questions please email me at adoptivemomma2@yahoo.com or send me any requests for topics you would like researched and blogged about. Oftentimes, I have already gathered the information and I have resources to share.

My Mother's Day
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