Whenever we talk, I try to get a little info from the social worker like do you have a lot of birth mothers you are working with? Are there many other couples waiting? Ask a few questions and hopefully get a few answers, although they are really good about staying on the fence. They never want to lean you one way or the other and give false hope. They usually keep their answers vague and neutral.
I dislike that about them. I hate waiting.
Here's to one year down and hopefully only a short time to go...

We're in the same position. We've been waiting long enough for #2 now that our clearances are all expiring. We have no idea how many other waiting families my agency is working with right now and she's only saying that expectant mother contact is down across the board. On one hand, it is heartening to know that mothers and children are staying together, but it's hard personally...
Sometimes is it was those little bits of info that gave me hope. I would dream about the "possible situation in October" or the "babies due in July" and envision one of them joining our family. We waited 24 months for #2, and I knew we had been waiting longer than the rest when the first thing our adoption worker would say each time we saw her was, "How are you handling the wait?"
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