After my car was stolen and we replaced my vehicle I went to the Oklahoma Tax Commission ready to tag my new car. While driving through Tulsa a few days beforehand I saw a vehicle with a special tag and decided I might get one too. I did not completely understand exactly what the $38 fee benefitted but the OTC's website states "
A portion of the fee will be deposited to the Dept. of Human Services for Stronger Oklahoma Families Act". I understand this to mean the proceeds will benefit the Department of Human Services and their adoption program. I still was not convinced because I was not 100% sure what exactly that meant and who would benefit but I knew if a portion of the fee was helping adoptees or adoptive parents that would be a good thing. While discussing the plate with my mother she said, "what if one potential birth mother is contemplating adoption and sees your car tag? Maybe she decides to make an adoption plan." Yep, that sounded like a good enough reason to me. I now have a new car tag and after mounting the tag on my car Brian decided he needed one for his truck too.
Here is our new license plate...
I am now driving a mini billboard advocating adoption.
I wonder if other states offer a speciality plate to support adoption? I think they should.
That's AWESOME! Wish we had something like that here in MS.
I've contemplated getting this plate. (we live in OK as well) The only deterrent is the ugly yellow color. (couldn't they have picked a nicer shade?) I never thought about it the way your mother put it though, very good point. I think we'll be getting one too. It will absolutely be worth it.
I have NEVER seen an adoption plate, but I love it!
I love it too! I wish my state had that but, I have never seen one so, I really don't think they do! You're right... Every state should have this one! :-D
That is really great! I think in our state the special tags go to save the loons or something like that. ;)
Im up for renewal and your post made me look at my state for an adoption option plate. We do have a "Chose Life" one that benefits adoption and pregnancy help. Its either this one or the "stop Child abuse" one sense we're also foster parents.
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