We have spent most of our last 10 years trying to build our family. Of course, we took breaks here and there between adoptions. For the most part though we were always talking adoption, maintaining our profile, researching, keeping in contact with our agency and making sure we were always ready to start again.
Now we are done. We have one more home study visit before our finalization hearing for Avenn. We are so comfortable with home study visits at this point the visits end up being just a social visit from our social worker. More like spending an hour or so with a friend rather than completing an adoption.
I feel like I have lost my blogging mojo. Adoption is no longer on the forefront of my brain. I am not researching and actively pursuing a placement so I have no new information to share and post.
Perhaps my blog is moving in a new direction. I feel like my focus is shifting. Instead of information on the pursuit of placement and the processes and procedures of a placement my focus is now on parenting. I imagine my posts will now become more about parenting my three children and occasionally how adoption affects our family now and as our kids grow.
I'll continue to answer your emails, questions and address your concerns. If you need information continue to ask me. I still know where to find the answers and sometimes my experience alone provides the answers.
I still want to blog and we'll see where it goes.
Thanks for following my family through our adoption(s). I hope you'll continue to follow us through this next phase of life.

What a wonderful place to be! We can't wait to be in that stage, too. It will be wonderful! :)
Thanks Kiara!
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