I receive the following emails through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agencies or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
5 girls age 2 from Asia Special Focus Group - grants
We are looking for adoptive families for five 2 year old girls with medical needs. These girls are part of a Special Focus group- so there is more opportunity for exceptions if you don't meet all the requirements to adopt from China. Please contact FamilyFinders@wacap.org orCkids@wacap.org We are a non-profit adoption agency www.wacap.org Please ask about private grants to apply for.
There is no obligation or fees to review these 2 year old girls files. For an instant password to see their photos go to www.wacap.org and select waiting child
Date of Birth 10/01/2009,Continent: Asia,ID: WGJ1009.32267.01
Date of Birth: 07/01/2009Continent: AsiaID: SP.FAH.0709.32307.01
Date of Birth: 08/01/2009Continent: AsiaID: XRF.ZYC.0809.32169.01
Date of Birth: 05/01/2009Continent: AsiaID: XRF.WTE.0509.32174.01
Date of Birth: 04/01/2009Continent: AsiaID: XRF.FXH.0409.31227.01
WGJ.1009.32267.01 This 2 year old girl likes to be cuddled and has a ready smile. Though she cannot see people or objects clearly, she can wave, shake her head, say hello, good bye, mother, father, grandmother and thank you. She has normal physical and motor development. She has a routine schedule and is a deep sleeper. Her favorite toy is a doll.There is a $4200 Promise Child grant for eligible families for this adoption..
XRF.ZYC.0809.32169.01 This 2 year old girl is described as a quiet, beautiful girl with a ready smile. Though described as shy and introverted, she is good at communicating with others and likes staying with people. Her limbs are well developed and she is able to control them but she cannot sit alone, stand, crawl or walk. She likes to look at herself in the mirror. She is fond of listening to music, her favorite activity is playing Patty-cake and her favorite toy is a soft blanket.
SP.FAH.0709.32307.01 This 2 year old girl is a pretty little girl who gave us big smiles when the camera flash went off. Her caregivers report that she is blind, but can see a little bit. Based on her smiles and giggles when the camera flash went off, it appears that she can see light. Her caregivers say that she is able to roll over and can play on her stomach. She can hold her head up well. Her eyes rove around with jerky movements. Her development is delayed. From what the orphanage staff shared with us, it sounds as though she spends most of her time in her crib and so it is quite possible that some of her delays are from institutionalization. Her head circumference is 41 ½ cm. She needs a family who will give her the attention she needs and deserves and help her reach her full potential.This child is listed with WACAP through a special partnership project with his/her orphanage. At this time, his/her file is not eligible to be transferred to a different agency. There is a $4,200 Promise Child grant for eligible families for this adoption.
XRF.WTE.0509.32174.01 This 2 year old girl is a bright and capable young girl who can speak in phrases of 3 – 5 words and is known to have a good memory. She is generally healthy but her skin is very sensitive and has multiple nevi. She has good motor development and likes to play outdoors. She also has a good appetite but is not fond of sweets.
XRF.FXH.0409.31227.01 This 2 year old girl when called or sweetly teased she will giggle. She likes to play peek-a-boo and is able to move her hands and legs easily when lying down. She has hydrocephalus and has some trouble holding her head up therefore she cannot sit without help, stand alone or hold things. She is in recovery therapy and she seems to like her treatment times. There is a $2200 Promise Child grant for eligible families for this adoption.
Please ask about further financial aid including private adoption grants you can apply for.

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