It has been nine months since we decided to
adopt for the third time. It is hard waiting to adopt and when the "natural" waiting period passes we
infertile myrtles always take notice. If only we could have a baby in nine months like everyone else. Pity party time.
In these past nine months, we have had a
failed placement, we have passed on two other possible situations.
Our time will come, I keep telling myself. The next Mitchell child has not find their way to us yet.
Come on baby, I'm tired of waiting!
The right one will come as you already know, but it seriously doesn't make the wait any easier...
I think waiting is sooooo hard. Praying for you in your wait, b/c it makes me remember I'm not the only one waiting. We've tried for 5 years to have a baby. Started the adoption process a few months ago...just waiting to get our home study started! There's such HOPE in the adoption process, I can feel it, but such agony in the wait as well. I better learn some'd have thought I would have TONS of that from the past 5 heartbreaking years! ha! not so much!
Thinking of you.
Anna, Brian & boys~
WE are thinking of you and praying that God reveals his plan for your family to you soon! **hugs and kisses** Eric, Julie, Cadence and Jack Mitchell.
I haven't been to your blog much lately (just sooo busy!) and wanted to check on any update...the nine month mark is hard. Hang in there Anna :)
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