Recently, I have been asked several times about the "waiting children" posts and why we do not adopt one of the children listed.
First of all, never say never. Although, I post those listings with others in mind, I guess if the perfect post came along we might. If we cannot adopt those children, I try my best to reach someone who can.
So what are our reasons for not adopting through my posts, there are several.
1. First and foremost, we are very loyal to our agency. We have experienced two successful adoptions with Adoption Affiliates. We know how they work. We understand their processes and we have developed relationships with Adoption Affiliates staff members. Adoption Affiliates is our adoption agency.
2. Many of the children listed have special needs. We have two boys. Two boys who require a lot of time, attention, care and love. We do not feel we would be the proper family to raise a special needs child and provide them with everything they deserve and require.
3. Many of the children listed are 2 years or older. Our boys are 2 years old and 5 years old. We feel a newborn would fit into our family better than an older child. Already having children, we have to consider what is the best fit for our family without upsetting our current dynamic.
4. Several of the waiting children I post are not in the United States. Our experience with adoption has been through domestic adoption. We are familiar with domestic adoption. A personal choice, domestic adoption was right for us.
We make our decisions based on what we believe would be in our families' best interest. Whether you agree or disagree, these are our reasons. I am very open about our experiences with adoption and the way we have chosen to build our family. What we have chosen is not right for everyone, it is however right for us.

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