Rogan helped get himself dressed today. Looking good...
We are having fun watching music videos and movies. Boys are feeling better and their meds are working.
Rogan wanted snow for breakfast. Don't be alarmed about the band aid, it's just for looks...
Brice is up and around playing...
Rogan dancing to a Michael Jackson video.
We have little else on our schedule for today.

Whew, that's a LOT of snow! I hope you enjoy every minute!
We're supposed to get snow flurries by Thursday. Um...I live in the Houston area....we're not prepared or used to the whole snow concept!
That is a lot of snow!
I'm not laughing anymore. That's some serious business for you all. Praying for your safety!
I seriously cannot believe how much snow the lower 48 is getting when we're nowhere near that up here in Alaska! Wild to me!
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