We have two sick boys. One with the flu and one with chest congestion. I am keeping myself busy with administering meds and breathing treatments.
We plan to be snowed in for a few days and hope we do not lose power. The worst part of our winter weather is we receive a lot of ice and ice storms can cause major power outages. We sure hope our heat stays on.
People around here are going nutso over the weather forecast. Tell us Oklahomans a tornado is coming and we run outside to watch, mention snow and the bread and milk shelves empty.
It is like an Easter egg hunt to try and locate a gallon of milk around here. We are stocked up with the essentials and have the fireplace on stand by. Crossing our fingers the weather does not get as bad as predicted and that our kids are soon on the mend.

Yuck, yuck, YUCK! I hope all of this icky weather passes quickly. We have had some chilly weather this winter, but haven't experienced anything like much of the lower 48 has. Eww!
LOL! That is so true!! Us okies take a tornado head on....blizzard..not so much! Stay safe and get those baby boys all better!
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