Warning: If you live anywhere remotely north of Oklahoma, you're going to laugh at our "inclement weather" pictures. Oklahoma schools close generally within minutes of a snowflake falling.
A few photos of the boys enjoying what little snow we received. Weatherman says there could be some more of the white stuff headed our way Sunday and Monday. We hope so...we'd love to actually be able to build a snowman!
Poor Rogan outgrew his snow boots, we improvised using his cowboy boots.

Ha, ha! I'm laughing. :) Our school district is really cheap about snow days. They prefer to save them for when/if the boys basketball goes to state. It was going to be 30 below. Everybody else cancelled school. Not our district.
I heard a comment once about a southern snow emergency. "There are only 10 snowplows in the whole state. You do the math."
No snow in Texas! Enjoy!
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