I received the following email today through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agency or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
LOOKING FOR a Family to adopt a biracial boy due Feb 2011 --- Code: Michelle – February 14, 2011Name & Due Date: Michelle – Due February 14, 2011 (Always delivers 3-4 weeks early – could be as early as January 24, 2011)
Sex (If Known): Boy
Race: ¾ Caucasian & ¼ Afro American
Location: Mid-South Region - KS
Health: Michelle's mother and Grandmother have and are being treated for Bi-Polar. All of her other children are well and healthy. There is a drug history (Meth & Marijuana) she has been in rehab and is 6 months clean. She smokes about 6 cigarettes a day. There was no mention of any alcohol use.
Other Info: This child is a result of a rape. Her husband is willing to sign all paperwork needed. She has placed through us before.
Total Estimated Fees: $ 23,000 - $ 25,000 (includes all expenses)
Case Worker: fl
IF YOU ARE PAPER READY AND INTERESTED, please contact Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adamadambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces) Email Adam and Sarah if you are interested and then take the time to go to our webpageWWW.Adoptionadvertising.org, download the adoptive parent intake form, fill it out and email it to adambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - NO SPACES) Adam or Sarah will call you after they get the intake. You will need to fill this out before we show any information about you to the BM.
****NOTE**** We have many Caucasian, Hispanic, Afro American and Biracial situations. We are working with several birth mothers and are looking for families to match them with. – YOU MUST BE PAPER READY TO WOEK WITH US. If you are interested and paper ready Email Sarahsarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adam adambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces)
Kathy Finch kathrynmfinch@hotmail.com
"Adoption Advertising" Adoption Administrative Assistant

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