LOOKING FOR a Family to adopt a Caucasian baby due April 2011--- Code: Amy
Name & Due Date: Amy – April 2011
Sex (If Known): Unknown
Race: Caucasian
Location: Southern Region - AL, GA, SC, TN
Health: Birthmom is healthy. She has not had any prenatal to this point (she has been unable to get to the DR because of the bad weather.) Birthfather is diabetic.
Other Info: No smoking, drug or alcohol. She would like pictures and letters from the adoptive family afterwards.
Total Estimated Fees: $ 22,000 - $ 25,000
Case Worker: fl
IF YOU ARE PAPER READY AND INTERESTED, please contact Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adamadambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces) Email Adam and Sarah if you are interested and then take the time to go to our webpageWWW.Adoptionadvertising.org, download the adoptive parent intake form, fill it out and email it to adambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - NO SPACES) Adam or Sarah will call you after they get the intake. You will need to fill this out before we show any information about you to the BM.
****NOTE**** We have many Caucasian, Hispanic, Afro American and Biracial situations. We are working with several birth mothers and are looking for families to match them with. – YOU MUST BE PAPER READY TO WOEK WITH US. If you are interested and paper ready Email Sarahsarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adam adambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces)
Kathy Finch kathrynmfinch@hotmail.com
"Adoption Advertising" Adoption Administrative Assistant
Darling little girl available in Eastern Europe. This little girl was born in May of 2007. She was bron at 36 weeks gestateion and it was quckly determined that she had hydrocephalus. She was treated with a VP shunt and has been doing very well. She shows only slight delays in motor skills. She speaks sentences, can dress herself and loves to play games. She sleeps well at night. This little girl shows excellent potential for development in a family environment. For more information email nina.thompson@chiadopt.org. This country has no limit on children in the home or parental age. Two easy 5 day trips required for adoption.
Three little two year old girls are waiting for families in Eastern Europe. All three girls have down syndrome and have a very poor outlook for a future unless they find an adoptive family. For more information please email nina.thompson@chiadopt.org. Travel is required for two short 5 day trips to complete this adoption.

1 comment:
We adopted a baby girl because of one of your forwards!!! I would love to sign up on this list serv you are on and share these opportunities with our readers - can you contact us at ronandjessica@gmail.com? Thanks!
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