Erin from
Dub Lane Designs is selling handmade key fobs. The adorable fobs are inexpensive ($10) and so handy. When our hands are full doing other things we have a difficult time digging for our keys. The key fob allows you to hang the keys from your wrist keeping your hands free. The greatest part about the key fobs...Erin, her husband Bryce and their handsome young son Kyah are preparing to add to their family via adoption. The money raised through Dub Lane Designs goes directly to their adoption fund. I ordered key fobs for Brice's teachers and riding instructor. They make great stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts. Check them out...
click here!
I always love supporting adoption while Christmas shopping!
When on Ebay or Etsy I always add "adoption" as a keyword and see if anyone is selling what I want to support their adoption :)
Great idea Vicky!
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