I receive the following emails through an adoption list serv. I do not have personal experience with the agencies or facilitators. Please practice due diligence and research the postings.
LOOKING FOR a Family / African American Caucasian baby due Early February 2012 --- Breea - Feb
Name & Due Date: Breea – February 2012
Sex (If Known): UNKNOWN
Race: Biracial – Caucasian and African American
Location: Mid-South Region - AR, KS, OK, TX -
Health: Good health – pot was used until she found out she was Pregnant (About 2 months) – She smoked but quit because of pregnancy.
Other Info: BM would like a Biracial family or they should have at least one other child that is of Color. She prefers a family that doesn't have a lot of children.
Total Estimated Fees: $ 11,000
Case Worker: l
IF YOU ARE PAPER READY AND INTERESTED, please contact Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces) or Adam adambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - No spaces)
You will also need to go to our webpage WWW.Adoptionadvertising.org download the adoptive parent intake form, fill it out and email it toadambodily@gmail.com (adambodily @ gmail.com - NO SPACES) and Sarah sarahjdalia@gmail.com (sarahjdalia @ gmail.com - No spaces). Adam will call you after he gets the intake from the web page.
Kathy Finch kathrynmfinch@hotmail.com
"Adoption Advertising" Adoption Administrative Assistant

Thank you for these postings, they are so appreciated!
Someone I know contacted Adoption Advertising about this situation and there is a misprint. The total fees should be $17,000. Just FYI
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