We have copies of our sons' original birth certificates. We have the first and last names of their birth parents. We had access to this information because my husband, an attorney, had full access to the legal documents as their adoptions were finalized. We never wanted our children's biological past to be a hidden mystery. It is their past, they have every right to know.
Legislation needs to be changed. Records need to be opened for adult adoptees seeking answers to their biological history.

As an adult adoptee in a state where OBCs are only released by court order, I totally agree.
I do walk the line that me having my OBC isn't necessarily a free pass to find my birth parents. If they signed a waiver that they wanted to be found, that would be one thing, but where adult rights (mine) infringe on other adults rights (theirs), I think its a slippery slope
As an adoptive parent, I also agree that this information needs to be available to adult adoptees at their request.
I also agree with "It is what it is" that knowing names does not give an anyone the right to "force" a reunion that may be unwanted. Contact to find out, yes, but if either party does not want to meet,etc. then I believe that their wishes and rights should be respected.
We do know Charlie's birthmother's full name as it was not totally marked out on some of her medical records.
Totally agree, birth parents' rights should not be infringed upon.
One thing I appreciate about adopting from Texas is the adoption registry. Birth parents and children are listed if they chose to be and when the child reaches adulthood the registry will assist in locating their birth parents, contact the birth parents and let them know they are being sought out. Therefore, reunions are not forced but coordinated by the registry if both parties agree.
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