

Well, we are set to begin a complete disruption of our life.  We finalized things with the contractor yesterday and he will begin work on our home Wednesday.  The boys and I will be "moving out" during the process.  It will be impossible to keep our boys away from home all day and out of the construction crew's way.  Boys are curious little individuals who like to know what is going on all around them.  So, we will move in with my parents for two weeks.

The time away will give the contractor around the clock access to our home allowing him to work into the wee hours if necessary to get it all completed in the two week time frame.  My husband will stay and oversee the project while working at his office.

We are pretty sure this is all going to cause the birth mother to go into labor early.  If that happens, I will hurry home and live out of a hotel if necessary.  You see, my parents live out of state and we will not be able to bring the baby to their home if she decides to make her appearance early.

I told you we live on the edge.  We are trying to get the home completed before the baby is born so everyone can come home to a nice updated house.  I am pretty excited about the idea of leaving the house one way and coming home to everything having been redone.  Let's cross our fingers and toes it all works out!