
Domestic Adoption

When we started the adoption process we heard the same rumors every person who is seeking to adopt has...

  • You'll have to wait years to adopt a baby born in the U.S.

  • You'll never be able to get a newborn

  • You'll have to adopt through the Division of Family Services

  • You should be a foster parent, it will increase your chances to adopt

  • You probably won't get a healthy baby, more than likely they'll have health problems

  • You'll have to have an open adoption and maintain a relationship with the birth parent(s)

People will come at you from every which way with all kinds of knowledge and opinions about adoption. Most of these people have never adopted, keep that in mind.

We have adopted domestically, twice in fact. I do not know statistics and I have no numbers for you but I do know this:

  • We adopted twice within in 3 years using the same agency. We waited 5 months for our first son and 10 months for our second.

  • We took both of our boys home from the hospital. This is somewhat unusual, but it just so happened our paperwork went through without a hitch both times.

  • We used an agency, Adoption Affiliates. If you live in Oklahoma or Texas I would recommend them in an instant. Obviously, we think highly of them because we chose to use them both times.

  • We considered fostering a child, but after speaking with family services we decided it was not for us.

  • Both of our boys were born completely healthy and drug free. Our youngest was a little bit early and had to stay in the NICU for a while, but we were there with him the entire time. During his first year, he has never been to the doctor except for well baby check ups.

  • We met the birth parents once. We could have chosen an open adoption but we opted for semi-open. We met the birth parents before the babies were born. All correspondence after placement is through the agency. If and when our boys choose to find their birth parents, the agency will assist in locating them. We will support our boys' decisions. It's their story and their choice.

The only knowledge I have about domestic adoption is what we have personally experienced. Domestic adoption is possible, it does not always take years, you can get a healthy newborn baby, and you do not have to have an open adoption if you choose not to.

"A birthmother puts the needs of her child before the wants of her heart"
~Skye Hardwick, founder of Life Mothers

1 comment:

Troop 220 said...

I found your blog via adoption voices. I have enhoyed what I have read. I agree with what you have written about domestic adoption. My husband and I have 5 children all placed at birth with us. We were in the hospital with all five, and the longest we waited for a child was 2 years. I have found that the more people you tell you want to adopt the quicker things move. 4 out of the 5 children came to us because of our telling everyone we knew and the networking we did. Glad I have found you and will continue to read. :)