
Did You Notice?

The large widget on my sidebar from the JuiceBoxJungle?  I am now a mom blogger for their ad network.  Let me first say, I have never made a dime from my blog.  Ever.  If my blog begins to make any money, even the tiniest bit, my husband and I have discussed what will be done with the money.  We decided it will be donated in support of adoption.

When we discussed my starting Adoptive Momma of Two, money was not part of the discussion.  I did know mothers can make a living from blogging, but I never wanted to profit from it.  I wanted to advocate adoption and attempt to help others through their adoption journey.  If we ever become an earning blog rest assured the money will not go into our pockets.  We have discussed someday being able to create a foundation which helps adoptive parents with their adoption costs, provides scholarships for birth mothers, or somehow helps with the expense of adoption.  Maybe someday we will be able to do just that?

I did not want you to get the wrong idea about the ads.

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Maybe you could also donate some of that hard earned money towards adoptees' rights...