
Do You Yahoo!?

I belong to a few adoption related Yahoo! Groups.  I often recommend the groups to others.  The groups I belong to are generally made up of adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents who share information and advice.  Although I do not enjoy the groups as much as I do other adoption blogs, I still find the information that comes through my email inbox helpful and thought provoking.  If you are interested in finding a group; go to Yahoo.com and click on "Groups".  You will see a search box with "Find A Yahoo! Group" above it.  Type in your search terms (i.e., domestic adoption, international adoption, adoptive parenting) and your search will probably return several, if not hundreds of groups you can join.

At first you may not feel ready to jump in, you may prefer to lurk.  I was a lurker.  At first, I did not respond to emails or discussions that came across my inbox.  I still do not respond all too often, unless the question or topic is something I have direct knowledge of or I am passionate about.  You can leave a group at any time.  Also, I chose groups that require approval by the group owner to join.  This limits access by spammers and those up to no good.

I think these groups are helpful and can answer questions or concerns you may have.  I am in no way paid by Yahoo!, just so you know.

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