
Comment Moderation

I am now having to approve all comments left due to some inappropriate comments left on the Birth Mother's Story post.  I welcome all opinions, even those I do not agree with, if expressed appropriately.  I will not allow someone to curse or be hateful.  Your comment is welcome as long as it is not offensive, hateful, hurtful, or explicit.  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone would leave a horrible comment :( Well, I guess i can, internet and all. But how sad.

Mandy @ The Party of 3 said...


Cricket said...

With all due respect..for adoptees who have been abandoned by their natural parents, the post was extremely triggering. And yes, I'm an adoptee. And yes, I was triggered.

Of course it's your right to moderate comments..but honestly, the outcry shouldn't really be that shocking.

S.I.F. said...

What is wrong with people? So sorry you now have to go to the hassle of comment moderation... what a pain!

Adoptive Momma said...

It wasn't an "outcry" more of one or two individuals who need to learn to express their opinions like an adult no matter what side of the fence they are on.

shelley said...

Sorry you had a people (like you said)that couldn't express their opinions like adults. You are doing a wonderful thing with this blog. Keep it up!!

Michelle said...

I't your blog, you have a right to moderate what kind of words show up on it. I'm not sure I'd feel OK leaving explicit words on mine either.

However...I'm just going to say that adoptees often feel silenced. People tend to talk over us, and minimize what we've said. So, that might be something to keep in mind as you moderate.


Anonymous said...

I feel that the conversation on the subject was intense. It triggered alot of emotions from all side of the triad. Its what great conversations are all about. I know when I first read the birthmother story that I did not respond right away. I thought about it overnight and wanted to get my true feeling on this subject. I think that it is so important to think before you type, to respond to a comment instead of react to comment. Keep in mind the thoughts and feeling are that of the writer whether or not we agree with them many times it is their story and/or opinion. We also need to think about our comment and what we seek to accomplish. Our harsh comment is not going to turn back the clock and return the adoptee to the birthfamily. Alot of the conflict I see on these blogs and adoption forums are over use of terminolgy. Mother and Family and birth,bio and first. I think everyone, myself included could read more on others experience and become educated and avoid the behavior that would cause a blog to need to be moderated.