
Groundhog Day

I have a pretty dry sense of humor, some might even say a sick sense of humor.  I am a sarcastic person and I always have been.  If you have ever met my parents you probably understand.  As an example of where it all comes from I will tell you a story.  A Groundhog's Day story.

Many years ago when I was still a sweet and innocent young child, I heard Groundhog's Day was approaching. I did not have an understanding of what this meant.  So I developed my own idea of Groundhog's Day.  I did not know what a groundhog was so I imagined it to be some sort of man eating swine beast.

Groundhog's Day arrived and to everyone else it was just another day.  My parents came to me and told me we were going somewhere and I needed to get ready.  I told them, oh no we cannot go anywhere today because the groundhogs will get us.

Some parents would have seized the opportunity to explain groundhogs were nothing to fear. Groundhog's Day was simply a day Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his den in search of his shadow.  Not my parents. They saw it as an opportunity to torment their child.  They have been tormenting me every year since.  Each Groundhog's Day, I receive a phone call from my parents.  When I answer the phone they will simply say, "You alright?"

Today was different, perhaps a new tradition has begun. Today I received the following email with the subject:  LOOKOUT!

The Groundhogs are coming!
The Groundhogs are coming!

Don't you just love tormenting your children?
Happy Groundhog's Day!

Mom & Dad

Any questions as to why I turned out this way?  Happy Groundhog's Day everyone.  Be safe.


Sarah Brown said...

LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!

Mrs Garrett said...

I love it!! So funn - the pictures just cracked me up too!! You not only have very funny parents - but they are very inventive too! Any body can be funny - but you have to be smart to be witty!

julie & joe said...

That's funny! I love Ground Hogs day. It was my favorite teacher's birthday (she had a ground hog toy on her desk) and I got engaged on Ground Hogs Day. For the first anniversary of our engagement, I got a ty groundhog. I couldn't find him yesterday to send it to school with Aaron.

shelley said...

LOL!! Love your parents!! Great story hahahah